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Poster: Mateusz Mirowski

War. The family-quake

Gro Dahle

Musical performance with the use of modern electronic music solutions, based on a book by Norwegian author Gro Dahle "War".
The creators reach for the social / family themes: the protagonist of history is Inga, who experiences the separation and then divorce of her parents. The problems she has to face she compares to the situation of war, the actual war conflict, and she reports how her life changes. Unfortunate adult decisions destroy her childhood. A large taboo is therefore exceeded, and the event has a therapeutic character to some extent.

Production for audience aged above 7.


1st April
The Pinokio Theatre in Łódź

Running time:

50 min


Paweł Urbanik

Adaptation and direction:

Przemysław Jaszczak


Urszula Chrzanowska
(co-operation: Natalia Wieciech, Magda Żarnecka)


Zuza Budziarek

Executive producer:

Magda Żarnecka


Paweł Urbanik

Adaptation and direction:

Przemysław Jaszczak


Urszula Chrzanowska
(co-operation: Natalia Wieciech, Magda Żarnecka)


Zuza Budziarek

Executive producer:

Magda Żarnecka


Paulina Moś
Helena Radzikowska
Natalia Wieciech / Urszula Chrzanowska
Paweł Rutkowski
Mateusz Trzmiel

The event was created as part of the THOUCH THE THEATER 2017 campaign.

Production: The Glósoli Theatre / The PAPAHEMA Theatre.


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